With us, you can make any occasion a memorable experience. We will be happy to prepare private wellness services exactly to your liking, so that the time you spend here is absolutely flawless. |
Rádi zajistíme romantickou výzdobu, čerstvé květiny, vychlazený sekt, dárkový koš, občerstvení nebo předem vybranou hudbu. Díky tomu tady prožijete jedinečné zásnuby, oslavy, rande či srazy opravdu na míru.
We are happy to provide romantic decorations, fresh flowers, chilled sparkling wine, a gift basket, refreshments, or pre-selected music. We are a truly bespoke venue for unique engagement parties, celebrations, dates, or reunions. |
Fénix Wellness Hotel, Ještědská 279, Liberec 19, 46008, GPS 50°44'21.01"N 15°01'01.60"E E |
© 2022 Hotel Fénix, všechna práva vyhrazena |
Designed and developed by 5Q, spol. s r.o |